Top 5 Supplements For Poultry Healthy Growth
Fortimas is a powerful liver booster which helps in providing protection and relief from liver disorders, regularizing liver functions, rejuvenating liver cells, improving liver detoxification besides boosting overall metabolism and digestion. Fortimas has been specially formulated for poultry which contains excellent quality choline chloride in right ratio and is fortified with strong biological anti-oxidant enzyme complex along with Vitamin B6 & B12, Inositol Biotin.
Pulsworum-45 is a different approach to improve eggshell quality in commercial and parent layers, which determines eggshell breakage & hatchability, specially post 45 weeks which may be because of various factors.
Orego-Stim is a 100% natural feed additive containing essential oil. Oregostim functions as an anti-microbial by breaking down the proteins that bind the cell wall. It helps to prevent necrotic enteritis and assist in controlling coccidiosis by disrupting the life cycle of coccidia by increasing cell turn over in the intestinal wall. It is an excellent appetite enhancer and also shown to significantly increase intestinal enzyme activity.
Celmanax combines yeast culture, yeast extract, and hydrolyzed yeast into a single, convenient formulation that delivers multiple benefits for broilers, breeders & layers at all stages of growth. It delivers consistent levels of metabolites for reliable performance. Celmanax replaces yeast-based products in poultry diets that contain yeast Mannans and Glucans. Celmanax plays important role in intervention in Mycotoxicosis, at all stages of problems.
Early 3Cs
Early 3Cs is an effective rehydration solution especially when chicks are transported over long distances. Early 3Cs fulfills the need for water and electrolyte during chick transportation, thus preventing dehydration in the birds especially during summer. Early 3Cs also provide essential vitamins. It has probiotics which helps in initial gut setting and thus inhibiting colonization of pathogenic bacteria. It can be easily prepared by adding water to the required dose of Early 3Cs powder and allowing it to stay for 10 minutes before transferring the gelatinous crystal to the chick box. The gelatinous crystals, formed after reconstitution of Early 3Cs with water, are clinically tested for high water retention.
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